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What is the mission of the McMinnville Women’s Choir?

Our mission is to provide a strong community for women who sing for self-expression, camaraderie and social justice.  We are open to women of all skill levels and experiences.  Our music encompasses a broad repertoire representing diverse languages, musical styles, spiritualities and social justice. McMinnville Women’s Choir welcomes any woman seeking a diverse and inclusive singing experience. We differ in age, lifestyle, sexual orientation, and skill level, but we are united in our commitment to musical excellence. At every opportunity, our goal is to express through women’s voices the wide range of human emotion and experience.


What is our relationship to Music for All Corvallis?

Music for All-Corvallis is a charitable organization overseeing two choirs: Jubilate! The Women’s Choir of Corvallis (created in 1994) and The McMinnville Women’s Choir (created in 2012). Being a non-profit organization, all pledges and donations are tax deductible.  We are also participants  with the Oregon Cultural Trust.


What is the Leadership Team and what do they do?

The Leadership Team creates and monitors the budget, day to day operation, and general oversight of our choir.  We have a president (or co-presidents), a treasurer, a social chairperson, a technology guru, and a new member advocate.  They interface with Jubilate! and Music for all Corvallis, coordinate advertisements, orchestrate concerts, and trouble shoot on behalf of the choir.  


What kind of music do we sing?

Our repertoire extends planet-wide, including songs in many different languages, classical pieces, compositions by modern composers, sacred music from many traditions, popular favorites, silly selections, and music of social change. The Artistic Director determines the selections and themes for concerts.  All ideas are welcomed by the director.


What is my responsibility as a singer?

The major responsibility of each member is to participate in this singing community.   Singers need to print their own music from the website (Help is available!), attend at least three rehearsals per month, pledge to help fund the choir, learn the music (sectionals are available), and sing in the concerts.  It is also helpful if you contact your section leader if you need to miss a rehearsal.  If problems arise, singers are responsible for communicating with their section leader to resolve.  Other problem solving resources include the Artistic Director, (Betty Busch), the accompanist (Bethany Lee) and anyone from the leadership team. 


What is the expected membership contribution?

Singers are asked to make a membership contribution for each season that they sing. Think of your membership contribution as an investment in McMinnville Women's Choir. The amount of your contribution is up to you, based on what you feel you can afford. What would you pay for a class or a workshop? How much do you value singing under the leadership of professional musicians? All contributions are put to work together to keep the choir singing and no contribution is too small.


What does the money go toward?

Membership contributions pay for music scores, rehearsal and concert space, salaries for our artistic director and accompanist, and other incidentals. Expenses total approximately $9500 each season. Contributions are vital to keep our choir singing and performing. Concert ticket sales cover less than 20% of our expenses. Other funds come from community donations and occasional grants, but membership contributions provide the main resources that keep us singing.


What are sections/sectionals?

The choir is divided into four groups ranging from the highest to the lowest voices.  You might recognize the divisions as first sopranos (section one), second sopranos (section two), first altos (section  three), low altos (section four).  The Director will assign singers to a section based on their voice range.  Each section selects a leader for that season who is responsible for organizing times/locations for at least one sectional for the term.  Sectionals are a combination of fun and learning.  This is a great way to build lasting friendships as well as hammer out your notes.  These sectionals are in addition to choir rehearsals and thus are voluntary.


What if I’m not feeling well?

We want healthy singers so it’s important for everyone to monitor themselves.  If you do not feel well, PLEASE do not come to rehearsal, attend a sectional, or try to sing in the concert.  Zoom rehearsals are a great alternative.  Healthy singers who choose to mask, are very welcome, but no proof of vaccination is required at this time.  


How do I stay connected?

Included at every rehearsal is a few minutes of “Bizmo” when the president relays important information.  We also have a website ( that will include links to music, the calendar, general information, and fun pictures and videos from choir events.  Check this site regularly.


Season Information

There are two choir seasons: Fall and Spring.  Each season culminates in a concert.  Rehearsals are every Tuesday evening from 7-8:30 at the First Baptist Church.  In addition, there are opportunities to sing at community events year around. Please see our "Schedule of Events" for upcoming dates! 

What's Next?

New and returning members are asked to:

1.  Provide your contact information

2.  Commit to attending (in person or via Zoom)  at least three rehearsals per month

3.  Complete a Membership & Contribution Form for the season

4.  Copy music off website


Last but not least…

If you are not able to sing this season, we hope you consider helping in other ways.  The choir is supported by a host of volunteers and donors. 


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